Your Fighting Stance… Isn’t
*** "Make your fighting stance your everyday stance. Make your everyday stance your fighting stance.” - Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century Japanese Swordsman, veteran of over 60 life and death duels, and author of The Book of Five Rings ***
Welcome back to the Self-Pro Newsletter, in which we discuss ways to protect yourself, your loved ones, your pocketbook, and your property.
In the past we talked about closing doors/options to potential predators before they can take advantage of you, perhaps before they can even plan to do so. An example of physically closing options to predators is locking your car doors the second you climb into your vehicle (MAKE THIS A HABIT). Closing options before you’re even considered a target include being present and aware, being unpredictable, appearing (and being) strong, being with a group, and appearing to be with a group in times when you aren’t.
This week we have homework, plus two actionable tips.