What is the SPEAR System?
The SPEAR System is the study of human movement as it relates to violence, fear, and aggression.
How does SPEAR make me safer?
The System is evidence-based, meaning we use what happens during sudden violence, and not what we would like to have happen. It is congruent with human physiology (your body), psychology (how you think and feel), and recorded violence (CCTV, body-cam, dash-cam), meaning we use what we know your mind-body system does when surprised and in crisis. You are a Human Weapon, and recorded human violence proves it. Our system re-awakens this in you in a way that is ethically, morally, and legally compliant.

“The foundation of my instruction is Tony Blauer’s SPEAR System and what the body will do prior to any training… self-protection based on the fastest, most natural way to move your body and your mind. This process cuts traditional ‘muscle-memory’ training by about 80%, allowing anyone to be safer-sooner, and gain critical life confidence.”
— Joe Borovicka
The SPEAR System, and its application to personal defense, is owned by Blauer Tactical Systems. Founded by Tony Blauer in 1985, Blauer Tactical Systems is one of the most respected self-defense training companies in the world.
Coach Blauer has been in the martial art, self-defense, defensive tactics and combatives industry for almost four decades and is one of the only Combatives experts who has successfully affected training across all the combat related communities: self-defense, combat sports and the military & law enforcement sector. His research on physiology, mind-set as it relates to confrontation management has influenced over three decades of reality-based martial artists.
Blauer Tactical Systems (BTS) specializes in the research and development of close quarter tactics & scenario-based training for law enforcement, military and professional self-defense.